10 Reasons Qatar will Fail Terribly Hosting FIFA World Cup 2022

FIFA World Cup 2022 is all set to be held in Qatar, and human right activists are not happy about the turn of events that has happened in last few months. Football is the most popular and influential sport in the world, played by millions around the world who share a great passion for the game, and it provides a lifestyle and career for many.

After standing for centuries, it has left a fascinating history on its way. But like everything, it has ups and downs. Success stories, pride, and sportsmanship provide insight into the game’s true meaning and inspire fans worldwide to follow in its footsteps.

Boycotts Qatar FIFA World Cup 2022
Boycotts Qatar FIFA World Cup 2022

Unfortunately, ‘s racism, failure, and violence taint the game’s bottom line and reveal a darker side to competitive sport. The world championship is at the heart of this international sport.

Held every four years, this event allows every nation to prove itself on the international stage. As a reward, a country is given the honor of becoming a world champion. Cup winner. The event offers unparalleled entertainment to the masses, with the recent FIFA World Cup 2022 bringing in over $6 billion in revenue.

Surely such a prestigious and essential event deserves the luxury of a great host country? A country that represents the true meaning of football and guarantees die-hard fans at every game. Without a doubt, this is what athletes who dedicate their lives to this sport deserve.

10. However, FIFA disagrees.

Boycotts Qatar FIFA World Cup 2022
Boycotts Qatar FIFA World Cup 2022

The FIFA World Cup 2022 will be held in Qatar, which has very little to do with the sport. It has only a minor national league, with its national team ranked 55th.

09. Allegations, Ideologies and More

Qatar has also been accused of supporting terrorism, has outdated ideologies, and is currently in a diplomatic crisis.

This begs the question: Why should Qatar have the privilege of hosting such an internationally recognized and cherished event?

08. Right to Love or Sin?

Homosexuality is illegal in Qatar and could be punishable by death for Muslims under Sharia law. However, there are no known examples of the death penalty being used in this situation.

07. Is it really all about Football?

Boycotts Qatar FIFA World Cup 2022
Boycotts Qatar FIFA World Cup 2022

Be an inclusive game that allows everyone to play and provides a platform for community unity. Hosting the FIFA World Cup 2022 in Qatar challenges the values ​​football seeks to uphold.

While all major European leagues have a history plagued by violence and homosexuality, there has been a major cultural shift and progressive shift in attitudes among footballers who embrace those who unite as part of the LGBTQI+ community.

06. Social Awakening vs Old Faith

Society of this country has not yet reached maximum acceptance and equality. Still, hosting an internationally recognized event in a repressive and conservative country will not contribute to progress. as well as accommodation, training camps, infrastructure, public transport, and many other facilities.

As a developing country, Qatar currently does not have access to these necessities, nor can the economy expand without significant negative impacts on the land.

05. Rush Quality and Quantity

Image Credit: Ilikeitfunny

Claiming to build the entire facility by 2022 is expected to have cost the Qatari government an estimated $220 billion, far more than any nation it has had before. Qatar is also highly underdeveloped compared to the other countries that have hosted the FIFA World Cup 2022 in recent years.

The $ 220 billion should be spent on building an economically and socially more vital country than on the novelty of hosting a FIFA World Cup. We’ve seen this confusion of priorities in the past: The Athens 2004 Olympics cost Greece $411 billion, but since then, most stadiums have been left to decay and overrun by nature simply because the government no longer needed them, and the country is now in a sorry economic state.

04. Unethical Infrastructure – Who Paid?

Moreover, building stadiums in Qatar requires an immense amount of labor. In August 2019, hundreds of migrant workers building the stadiums went on strike over poor working conditions because they were not being paid or faced wage delays and pay cuts.

In any case, it is unethical for workers to work in Qatar’s hot summer when the maximum temperature can regularly soar above 40°C. The question arises about how Qatar got the rights of hosting the FIFA World Cup 2022 back then.

03. Money Sees, Money Buys!

First, a nation must apply to participate in a vote, then the FIFA Congress votes using a comprehensive voting system. Qatar reportedly offered $200 million, far beating offers from other nations. Australia, which had the second highest bid, only bid $45 million.

Boycotts Qatar FIFA World Cup 2022
Boycotts Qatar FIFA World Cup 2022

02. Values on Sale?

Meanwhile, through the years leading up to the vote, Qatar had struck unfathomable sponsorship deals with clubs from Europe’s top leagues to secure votes and secure their role as a host of the FIFA World Cup 2022, as well as buying Paris Saint Germain.

01. For all these reasons, the FIFA World Cup 2022 should not take place in Qatar.

Qatar’s anti-homosexuality laws are creating an unsafe environment for all involved in the event, and the readiness of your cities with transportation and infrastructure that still does not allow for mass gatherings should also be questioned.

Qatar also seized the opportunity in a totally unfair and abusive way. Therefore, Qatar is economically and socially unable to host the 2022 World Cup.

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